We were pleased to host ‘Getting to Net Zero – The Vital Role of Global Carbon Markets’ which was part of our “COP Talks” series. This series built on the themes and ambitions of the COP26, which was held in Glasgow on November 1 - 12. The financial services industry is an integral player in the quest to achieve a net-zero economy and to support broader sustainable development goals, and our COP Talks will cover some of the toughest yet most important issues facing the industry.

Carbon markets are expanding rapidly, as governments, companies and financial institutions increasingly commit to achieving Net Zero emissions goals. Both compliance markets (such as emissions trading schemes) and voluntary markets (for carbon credits) can play distinct but complementary roles in incentivizing emissions reductions and removals. Looking forward, key factors – such as the evolving international climate architecture under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, maturing market infrastructure, and governance of carbon credit integrity – will shape the capacity for carbon markets to deliver on their full potential. Drawing on the recent IIF report “Getting to Net Zero: The Vital Role for Global Carbon Markets” produced with the support of Vivid Economics, this session will explore the growth of global carbon markets and highlight implications for businesses, financial institutions and policymakers.

Opening Remarks:

  • Annette Nazareth, Senior Counsel, Davis Polk & Wardwell


  • Anthony Mansell, Engagement Manager, Vivid Economics

Featured Speakers:

  • Dominique Barker, Head, Sustainability Advisory Investment Banking, CIBC
  • Kelley Kizzier, Vice President for Global Climate, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Chris Leeds, Executive Director, Standard Chartered plc
  • Agustin Silvani, Senior Vice President, Conservation Finance, Conservation International